Article 1.1 of the Law on the Status of Autonomous Work of 2007 defines the ordinary self-employed worker as « natural persons who carry out in a habitual, personal, direct way, for their own account and outside the framework of management and organization of another person, an economic or professional activity for profit, whether or not they give employment to employees ».
➡ Clarification of this definition :
• « Natural persons » : persons who are over 16 years old
• « Usual » : situation in which the worker has a remuneration which corresponds
annually to the inter-professional minimum wage
• « Personal, direct » : personal involvement in business development is necessary
• « Independent » : this principle is contrary to the "on behalf of others" principle
• « Outside the management and organization of another person » : the worker develops
his activity as he wishes
• « Profitable economic or professional activity » : this can be any activity when it is
There are currently two types of self-employed workers: ordinary self-employed workers and economically dependent self-employed workers.
The latter are commonly called « bogus self-employed » and are defined as « those who exercise an economic or professional activity for profit and in a habitual, personal, direct and predominant manner for a natural or legal person, called client, on which they economically depend to receive from him at least 75% of his income for yield to work and economic or professional activities ».
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